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Honoring the ones you love!
Image by Matthew Kwong

Some ideas of media to include could be:

  • Photos & Slides: 

Select your favorite photos with the goal to evoke an emotional response—your pictures have the power to make the audience laugh, cry, or anything in between. But it’s important to choose a variety of photographs. Even though you may love all the pictures, the audience may not want to sit through all of them. Using a variety of photographs will keep your audience interested.


  • Old video footage:

We can include video footage. Nothing brings a person back into your memories better than film – ideally with audio as well.


  • Video of family and friends remembering:

Some people will be writing and presenting eulogies. We try to take advantage of these reunions and have family and friends recite short recollections.

  • Voice-over:

We suggest delegating this honor to one family member to present an overview of the person’s life at the service. This individual is often well placed to supply narration or voice-over for the visual elements of the video memorial. Sometimes it’s enough for the person to review the images and other visual material and then say a few words about your special person.

  • Captions:

You may have more details on the story around the photo. If you do, include that as a caption. look on the back of the photo for a description, and if it’s in the person’s handwriting, we can use it in the video.

  • Clippings and Memorabilia:

Some people have been featured in newspapers or magazines or have kept scrapbooks of high school or college athletic or arts achievements. Some people have trophies, awards, or collections, which we can include in the video as well.

  • Cards and letters:

Very often grandparents accumulate cards and artwork from their grandchildren. These can also be included in the video memorial to show how loved and honored the person was in life.

  • Handwriting:  

Sometimes old letters, drawings, or even shopping lists that meant something are left behind.

  • Poems and Sayings:

Death, for all its pain, is a way to remind us of the larger lifelong message left behind. Collecting sentiments found in old poems or sayings which were cherished by the deceased person helps preserve them in our hearts for years to come. These can be included as simple text screens or as text “crawls".

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